
Pushups 5×20 4x1min back bridges

Bike to gym

Strength- warm up as RX (decline situps subed 3×30)

1)Powar Cleans 10, 7 Bar   2) Chins (in between)        3)high Incline situps          

 5/ 65                                           6×6                                        6×15

3 w/ 95

3 w/ 95

3 w 95

3 w 95

3 w 95

2 w95 miss 3

WOD- squats w 105#x5reps + bear crawls 50-60 yards x 5 rounds

did all 5 rounds- 9min 10sec- squat ass to ground


did Burpees 30,(then rest 20)

mountain climbers x 1min,

leg raises 12,

45lb on oly bar with one end in corner press 10 each shoulder alternatingx20reps-

Invert rowsx 6-15 reps= 5 rounds

then 5×10 burpees onto 24′ box+ 3x1min plate twist , 3xsame push press with barx20=

 total time- 35min


Burpees+ 20, vups 50, Burpees 15, vups+ twist 60= 6-7rounds+ 3×100 flutter kicks+ pushups

totals- 350+ burpees, 400+vups